Wheel Chair users
Starting from point A: Hotel ca dei Conti in the Carnnegio district that is wheelchair user accessible, the user is able to visit San Marco Piazza by transporting themselves over the bridge’s stair ramps. They can then take their time visiting around the landmark and then make their way to a nearby restaurant which goes through Merc dell’orologio alleyway towards La Piazza Restaurant that also has a wheel chair accessible washroom.
Starting from point B: San Marco Vallaresso ACTV Vaporetto station. If the user has already arrived in Venice and is ready to discover their sights on water they would take the ACTV vaporetto on the Grand Canal. The Vaporetto takes their route up and down the Canal. In this case, the user is taking the vaporetto upstream the Grand Canal and going through the underpass of the famous tourist attraction, the Rialto bridge. In this route the user can choose to get off at station San Marcuola and transport themselves to the Jewish Museum of Venice.
International Tourists
Starting from point C: A user coming out of Hotel Precipe that is traveling by foot would be able to walk across the Grand Canal on the Ponte deli Scalzi and make their way across sights to the central part of Venice when they get to Campo San Polo Square. In some more walking distance the user can get to sight see the Rialto market as they cross the Rialto bridge to the other side of the Grand Canal. Within a few more steps the user can make it to their final destination at the famous Ca’d Oro Art Museum.
Starting from Point D: In this route the user could just be arriving in Venice and start their route by using the ACTV Vaporetto line starting from St. Lucia Station Ferrovia. While riding the ferry down the Grand Canal for approximately 30 minutes the user can make it all the way to the bottom portion of Venice to the Accademia Stop. From there, they can walk to towards the Peggy Guggenheim Collection Gallery and enjoy the arts of Venice.